Alumni Network

Linc Up is a social network exclusively for Lincolnites, providing you with easy access to alumni willing to help current students.

Lincolnite Map

Our map helps you see where in the country, or indeed the world, other Lincolnites are based. Useful if you are travelling for a holiday, on business, or completely relocating to a new place and keen to connect with others who share your experiences of Lincoln!

E-Mentoring Platform

The eMentoring platform is designed to help alumni and current students connect so that alumni can advise and give guidance to Lincolnites embarking on their chosen careers. This could be anything from a few emails or checking a CV/application, to meeting face to face or even offering work experience. Alumni can donate as much or as little of their time as they can spare to help you at the beginning of your career.

Professional Network

Looking for a lawyer near you? Or perhaps a helpful contact in a particular field of work? The Directory lists the job titles and industries of hundreds of Lincolnites. Find the contact you need to further your career or business, knowing that they will hear you out.

Regional Alumni Groups

Lincoln College has many regional alumni chapters in the UK and around the world, covering five continents, from Edinburgh to Johannesburg to Washington D.C. Each regional group has a Chapter Leader, whose contact details you can find through the link and who organise social and networking events. They may also be able to provide advice and suggestions, in matters such as sourcing accommodation for your vacation project or Year Abroad.