The Imp

Let’s just say it’s easy to satirise this college. Our mascot is, by OED definition, a little devil. And, for one of the supposedly more pious colleges, that’s perfect material… So, if you like to poke fun at ridiculous stone creatures, a genuinely perplexing penny throwing tradition, or would like to rewrite the JCR constitution, get in touch!

The Imp is our termly satirical newspaper, named after our troublesome mascot… Contact the Editor if you’re interested in writing for The Imp.

Edition Name
Hilary 2024 View
Michaelmas 2023 View
Trinity 2023 View
Hilary 2023 View
Michaelmas 2022 View
Trinity 2022 View
Hilary 2022 View
Michaelmas 2021 View
Trinity 2021 View
Hilary 2021 View
Michaelmas 2020 View
Trinity 2020 View
Hilary 2020 View
Michaelmas 2019 View
Trinity 2019 View
Hilary 2018 View

The IMP has changed a lot since its first edition in December 1920 (read it here). You can also view more historical editions in the college Archive.