Student Finances

Finances shouldn’t be a barrier to getting your degree. Lincoln is one of the most generous colleges in terms of the bursaries and support on offer. If you’re ever struggling, we encourage you to reach out and get the help you need. Here’s summary of the grants you can apply for throughout the year. The general website for financial support is here.

The Book Grant

Here, you can claim 100% of the cost of books up to £100, as long as you keep receipts.

Travel Grants

This is the link to the general travel grants part of the Lincoln JCR financial support website, please look at the section that is relevant for this term for more information.

Lincoln College Student Support Fund

If you are experiencing unexpected and unforeseen financial difficulties, you can apply to the Lincoln College Student Support Fund.

JCR Financial Support

You may also apply for up to £100 through the JCR Financial Support Fund. This will be approved anonymously by the JCR Welfare Officers and in most cases the money can be in your account within a few hours.

Need a Talk?

If you’d like help applying to any of these or need to have a chat with someone, the best place to go is to talk to college, either through Andy the Chaplain, Student Support Advisor Lisa, or directly to the Bursar. Contact details here. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to have a talk with a student, speak to our amazing Welfare Officers, Georgi and Hazel.

How do I manage my Student Loan?

The website to manage your Student Loan (from the Government) is You’ll need to re-register for student finance in June each year to ensure you receive the money at the start of Michaelmas. You’ll be given a confirmation letter (usually a physical letter) once approved; you’ll need to send a copy of this to Claire Riseley ( at the start of Michaelmas to ensure your tuition fees are handled automatically.

Even if you’ve missed the main application deadline, you can still apply for student finance, it just sometimes take a little longer to hit your account. Usually you’ll receive your maintenance loan in around 1st week of each term.

What is Battels?

Battels is the online system used for managing all your financial payments to and from the college. Each term, you’ll be sent an invoice covering your rent, your kitchen charges as well as a few other projects happening throughout the term. You’ll usually be given about a week or two to make payment and there’s a few different ways to pay. 


You’ll always be charged for a set period referred to as the ‘Accommodation Term’. This is often from Thursday of 0th week to Saturday of 8th week in Hilary and Trinity but does vary (and is different in Michaelmas). These are the key dates you’re expected to be staying in college. You can find out the exact current dates through the Accommodation Portal or in the Student Handbook (the current version is also on the Accommodation Portal). 

Sometimes, you’ll be told you can arrive a few days early. If this is the case, you’ll also be charged per each night that you stay. If you apply for VacRes (staying outside of term time), this might be charged at a different rate but added to your Battels. You must apply for VacRes through the form that the Accommodation Office will sent round at the relevant time. 

Damage Deposit

At the start of your first year, you’ll need to also pay a £400 deposit just in case you damage your room during your stay. When you complete your degree, this will be refunded to you. 

Kitchen Charge

When you pay your Battels, you’ll also have to pay a set kitchen charge to load up your BOD card for when you pay for meals. You can log into Battels at any time to see your meal spending and how much of this initial top up is left. If you go over this amount, you’ll simply be invoiced for the extra amount you spent when you next pay rent. 

In some situations, for example if you have a medical condition which prevents you from eating in hall, you can contact Claire Riseley ( to ask to have this charge removed from your termly invoice.

The JCR is working on changing the kitchen charge system! Listen out for updates in MT23-HT24.


Annually, you’ll pay a small fee (usually <£20) to cover the insurance cost of your room and your belongs. Find out more here (at the bottom in the expandable section).

Lincoln Society

When you join Lincoln, you’ll pay a one-off membership to the ‘Lincoln Society’; this is an Alumni society and means you’ll be invited to events organised by the development office. Speak to the 1427 Committee President for more information about JCR-Alumni relations. 

Battels Charges from the JCR

The JCR charges you for several services and projects that we organise throughout the year via Battels at the beginning of Michaelmas. You can opt-out of these, the treasurer will usually send round an email about how to opt-out at the beginning of Michaelmas. 

Overseas scholarship £9.00

This is a contribution to the Reach Scholarship fund which funds half the living costs of an overseas student once every several years. You may opt out.

Charities Fund £8.00

Forms the JCR Charity Budget, spent by members in meetings. If you opt out, you cannot propose or second charity motions in the JCR. You can learn more about writing a motion on the JCR Democracy page. Any leftover money in this fund is sent to the JCR’s Charity of the Year, usually VacProj. 

Punt Scheme £4.00

In Trinity Term, the JCR hires a punt for the entire term and is available for you to use at any time. This contribution helps to fund this. If you opt out, you cannot book, or be a guest on, the JCR Punt. 

Vacation Project £7.00

Lincoln College Vacation Project, or VacProj, is an entirely student run charity, based at Lincoln. They work with children in the Oxford area who are involved with social services and run week-long holidays in the summer for the kids to have fun! If you have any further questions or would like to get involved, please contact their President, Phoebe Briggs-Mould ( You may opt out of this donation.

Yearbook £4.00

In your Third year at Lincoln, you’ll receive a yearbook from the JCR. All First, Second and Third Years pay a contribution to the current year’s yearbook. If you opt out, you cannot collect a yearbook in your Third year. If there is a lack of interest in creating a yearbook for your year, this money may be refunded to you. 4th years will not be asked to pay this.

Finalist's Celebration £4.00

Once you’ve finished your exams in Third year, the JCR presents you with a fancy bottle of Pimm’s. All First, Second and Third Years pay a contribution to buy for this year’s finalists. If you opt out, you cannot collect any Pimm’s in your Third year. 4th years will not be asked to pay this.

A note for eagle-eyed 2nd & 3rd years: Last year, we also had a charge for supporting the JCR Financial Support Fund. The JCR has received some additional money this academic year so we’ve decided to remove this contribution. The fund will work exactly the same, you can apply to this fund and learn more here:

For more information about Battels, contact Accounts Assistant, Claire Riseley (