Welfare and Health
If you are in a life-threatening situation, call 999.
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation.
Welfare and Health at Lincoln
Lincoln’s close-knit and supportive community wouldn’t be quite what it is without its fantastic Welfare network. Led by our Welfare Coordinator, Lisa Stokes-King, the team are who to go to whenever you encounter any difficulties that are too great to handle yourself, offering a safe, supportive environment to unload whatever is on your mind, while also ensuring you are directed to the right resources to seek help.
JCR Welfare: Georgi and Hazel
The JCR’s Welfare Officers, Georgi and Hazel, are your first port of call for any issues relating to your well-being. They receive peer support training throughout Michaelmas term, meaning they can listen receptively and identify the best person to refer you to if your situation would benefit from it. A Welfare chat is what you make of it; it can be over a cup of tea, a walk around the city, or while doing something mindful like doodling, or playing with the new JCR LEGO. You can get in touch via the contact form just below, or get hold of them directly by email.
Welfare Events
In addition to their peer support roles, Georgi and Hazel run different Welfare activities, the most regular being Welfare teas. These take place every Saturday afternoon in the JCR, which they fill with snacks, drinks, music, chat, and mindfulness activities.
Georgi: georgi.filipov@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Hazel: hazel.kenny@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Sexual Health Supplies
The Welfare team stocks free condoms, lube, and pregnancy tests in the laundry rooms around college accommodation. If you notice that any particular room is running low, use this Anonymous Form to let the reps know.
Welfare Coordinator: Lisa Stokes-King
Lisa is here to guide you to the support you need, and just to be here if you need someone to talk to. You are welcome to drop in at any time, but if you’d like, you can also book an appointment just below.
Lisa work part time from Monday to Friday during weeks 0-9, and you’re more likely to find me in the afternoon than the morning. Her office is Staircase 4, Room 2.
Chaplain: Rev Dr Andy Shamel
Andy is our Chaplain, and is always there to listen to anything you’d like to talk to him about. His door is open to people of all religions and none, and he won’t mention religion unless you do. His office is directly above the JCR. You can drop in, or schedule an appointment here – Meeting with Andy
Wider Welfare Team
See below for more details!
JCR Financial Support Fund
It’s also the Welfare reps’ job to manage the JCR’s Financial Support Fund, assessing applications for financial assistance of up to £100. Applications are completely anonymous up until they’ve been approved. We just need to know your reason for the request and how much you would need.
For assistance requiring larger amounts of money, see this page on the College’s website for more available financial help.
Junior Deans
The Junior Deans are there for you overnight and “out of hours”. If you have any concerns, whether that’s a noisy party in the next room, a friend who is ill/injured or dangerously drunk, or if you are having your own crisis, you can contact the Junior Deans by calling the Lodge and asking for a Junior Dean to attend. The Junior Deans work with three Wardens, who provide cover for Lincoln’s external buildings.
College Nurse
Kinneret Milgrom (nurse@lincoln.ox.ac.uk) is in College in weeks 0-9, Tuesday – Friday, from 12.40-2.30. You don’t need to make an appointment, and can drop in anytime during these hours. If you feel that you may need longer than usual because you have something complex, or something that might be more difficult to talk about, you can book a 30 minute appointment here – Nurse appointment
College Counsellor
Juliet Bulman (counsellor@lincoln.ox.ac.uk) is available from 10am-6pm on Tuesdays (weeks 0-9) for one-on-one counselling sessions. To book a session, email her directly. Drop-in sessions are not available.
College GPs: KES@Northgate
The College GPs offer all the usual services that you would expect from a GP Surgery, but also have a good understanding of how college works. If you need a medical certificate for college reasons (for example for an extension, or a ballot exemption) they will not charge you for it. There is more information at this link, and you can request a male or female doctors should you prefer. College GPs As well as GP services, the surgery has other practitioners, with whom you can book direct –
Physio: Onyeka Ibiam. Book an appointment with Onyeka via the GP link.
Wellbeing Worker: Feiyi: Feiyi is a MIND Wellbeing worker, who can offer coaching if you’d like help dealing with specific troubles, and can also signpost you to the most appropriate services. You can call the Surgery to make an appointment with her, and don’t need a GP Referral.
Pharmacist: Pilar. Pilar is a clinical pharmacist based in the GP Surgery, and can help with things like pill checks, and asthma medication.
Harassment Advisors: Dominic Vella and Alice Thorneywork
The Harassment Advisors are Fellows of the College with specialised training. You can talk to them in confidence about harassment, including stalking, and bullying. Talking to them does not constitute making a complaint, and they won’t take anything further if you don’t want them to.
Disability Coordinator: Rebecca Carley
If you have any queries about disability, including Exam Adjustments, please email disability@lincoln.ox.ac.uk. Graduate students may find that their Departmental Disability Coordinator is better suited to answering their specific queries, but we are always happy for you to come to us if you’d prefer.
Lodge Staff
The Lodge is staffed 24/7 by our super friendly porter team. They will always assist you if you require guidance or help.
Main Site: 01865 279800
Museum Road: 01865 282475
Out of Hours Medical Help
If you need urgent medical assistance, call 999 for an ambulance. The nearest hospital is the John Radcliffe. If you need to be seen in Accident & Emergency but could realistically take a taxi, please do so and leave the ambulance for someone who really need it. Always inform the Lodge of any medical emergencies or if an ambulance has been called.
If you need non-emergency medical attention during the evenings or weekends, call 111, the NHS non-emergency advice line. If you need medical attention outside of the College Nurse Clinics, please call King Edward Street Medical Practice (01865 242657).
Other Useful Contacts
Physiotherapy: TOPS Physio, Oxford University Club, Mansfield Road www.oxfordsportsphysio.co.uk 01865 807192
Chiropody: Shuropody, New Inn Hall Street 01865 725957
Pharmacy: The nearest pharmacy is Boots (upstairs inside), on Cornmarket Street.
Optician: Boots Optician, Cornmarket Street (Upstairs), OR Specsavers Optician, Queen Street.
Dental: Studental, NHS Dental Care, based at Oxford Brookes. www.studental.co.uk or 01865 689997
Sexual Health: Free and discreet chlamydia screening is available for 16-24 year old with a postal self-test kit. See
Travel Health Advice: Some travel vaccinations are available at King Edward Street Medical Practice but some may incur a charge. Boots also provide a travel vaccination service. Always allow plenty of time, ideally 6 weeks before travel to be vaccinated.