Prospective Students

From Tom, our JCR Access and Outreach Rep

Hi! I’m Tom, the JCR’s Access and Outreach officer. My job is to help showcase Lincoln to all our prospective students, and support them in choosing to apply here. I run the JCR’s Instagram which I would definitely direct you to, as it has lots of info on all aspects of college life. If there are any questions or things you want to see, just send me a message on that account! The college website also has a fantastic amount of information about studying and living at Lincoln. I really hope you consider applying here!

Every 2 years, we also publish an ‘Alternative Prospectus’ produced exclusively by students to show you what life at Lincoln is really like! Our 2022 version was produced by the previous Access and Outreach Rep, Steph, and has contributions from students across all subjects and years!

Lincoln FAQs

How much free time do you have?

More than you might think! The work can be really difficult and there are always parts of term where you feel under pressure, but I’ve always felt like I have time to relax and see my friends. It’s really important to unwind from your degree, and your tutors know this!

Were the interviews really daunting?

Yeah, I was pretty nervous for mine and ended up having five! They were all online but the interviewers made me feel at ease and I did relax into them, they just want to have an interesting conversation with you, which should be fun. By the end of my interviews, I was enjoying them!

Front Quad on Matriculation Day!

How Big is Lincoln?

Lincoln is definitely one of Oxford’s smaller colleges, with around 300 undergrads. This means its really easy to get to know people and make friends with students in other years as well.

How Close is Lincoln to Everything?

Lincoln couldn’t really be in a better location in my opinion. We’re located on Turl Street (as well as Jesus and Exeter) which is right in the centre of Oxford.

What is the support like for students from low-income backgrounds?

College offers several bursaries for students from low-income background, and also prizes and scholarships, book grants, travel bursaries, and funds for unexpected financial difficulty.

What is Food Like?

Food is good, dinner is served in hall 6 days a week, and we have a formal every day if you fancy putting your gown on! Our college bar also serves baguettes and salads for lunch which is a favourite for a lot of students.

What's the Accommodation Like?

College provides accommodation for all years of your course – first years live in the college, or just across the street in Lincoln house. Most second years live on Turl street as well, in the Mitre, while some second years and most third/fourth years will live 3 minutes away in Bear Lane or a 10 minute walk to Museum road.

What Stands out about Lincoln?

I would say we definitely pride ourself on our library, which is a converted 18th century church. Its spire is also a great part of the oxford skyline, so you can always find your way home!

Our Amazing Libary!

Life At Lincoln

What are the Sports Facilities Like?

We have a boat house and sports fields at Bartlemas road in Cowley, where we play football, rugby and cricket. Undergrads also get free membership of the University gym and pool at Iffley road.

Are there any Student Societies?

There is a wide range of societies and events to get involved in outside of your studies. Lincoln fields multiple sports teams, and has a fantastic musical and drama scene; the performance of Grease in Michaelmas 2022 was definitely one of the highlights of my first term in Oxford! We are also involved, with Jesus and Exeter, in the Turl street Arts festival which takes place every Hilary term. 

Photos from the Michaelmas 2022 College Musical: Grease!

What is the Welfare Like?

There is a wide selection of welfare support for JCR members in college. Firstly our amazing welfare reps Ben and Beau do a great job of helping students find the support they need and putting on welfare tea every Saturday in the JCR. We also have our chaplain, Andy, who is also our welfare coordinator and is always available for a chat over a tea and a doughnut. Our student support advisor Lisa is also fantastic at helping with any issues you might be facing.