
The Lincoln Entz Team is in charge of organising lots of social events for JCR members throughout the year.

There’s usually at least one event a week, and these range from bops, to pub quizzes, to beer pong tournaments to comedy nights.

Bops (Big Open Parties) are amongst the biggest, best events that the Entz team runs. They happen twice/thrice a term, and are always loads of fun. They’re basically a cross between a kids disco and a fancy dress party (but with more alcohol) – think cheesy tunes and wacky costumes!

The Entz team also act as reps for the student nights at the Oxford clubs so you can always get wristbands and tickets through them. Entz events are good opportunities to socialise within the college community and they’re usually very relaxed and a fun and easy way to spend time with your friends. Not to mention a great opportunity to get your hands on loads of free drinks and food! The Entz team are also responsible for organising and running Freshers’ Week at Lincoln which is always packed full of really exciting events, and kicks off the year in style.