Hi, we’re Aimee (She/Her) and Johnny (He/Him). We’re both second years studying English and we are the JCR’s LGBTQIA+ Reps for 2020/21! Our role is to act as contacts in college for anybody who identifies as LGBTQIA+, and to raise awareness relating to LGBTQIA+ issues both in college and across the university. Feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions or just want a chat, either via our emails, aimee.ashurst@lincoln.ox.ac.uk, jonathon.maughan@lincoln.ox.ac.uk or on Facebook.

We’ll be holding plenty of LGBTQIA+ events during term. These events will include film nights, educational workshops, and mixers, so there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved and meet other queer people at college. Any events we run in college are 100% open to allies as well, with the understanding that they are of course respectful both of the event and the individuals attending.

We have a private Facebook group for people who identify as LGBTQIA+ at Lincoln, and this is where the majority of our events and other queer-related stuff happening in Oxford will be posted, so message either of us if you’d like to be added! The JCR has also recently set up the Gender Expression Fund, which you can apply to for help in affording items that can make you feel more comfortable in your gender presentation. This includes binders, packers, breast-inserts, wigs, or travel costs to Gender Identity Clinics.

The uni-wide LGBTQ+ Soc (https://www.facebook.com/OULGBTQ) also holds a huge variety of other events, including identity-specific drinks, interfaith socials, and socials for other queer minorities such as disabled, RaEM, international or working-class students. Many of these events are non-drinking, with disabled access and a strong commitment to diversity. If you’d like to get involved in queer advocacy, there’s also the OU LGBTQ+ Campaign, the political campaigning arm of Oxford’s queer community, which you can find on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lgbtqoxford).

Here at Lincoln we have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and harassment, so if you need any help or advice if such a situation does arise, then please come to either of us and we can listen and help you figure out the appropriate course of action to take.